Thursday, January 25, 2007

Winter is the Warmest Season, by Lauren Stringer

A young child shares how winter is the warmest season: hats with earflaps and fuzzy boots, grilled cheese and hot chocolate, and hot baths and pajamas with feet. Ice and snow frame the warm inside scenes of fireplaces, friends, and curled up cats in bright acrylic doublespread illustrations. The rich descriptive language contrasts the warmth of winter with summer cool downs. A delightful seasonal choice for sharing. Classrooms could use the book for a model for another book: "Summer is the coolest season," or other creative fun with opposites.

1 comment:

dafeulner said...

I think this book is great for Kindergarten in studying seasons and it also illustrates hibernation. It has a lot to offer along with warm, fuzzy feeling of winter