Thursday, April 19, 2007

Oink by Margie Palatini

Oink by Margie Palatin; illustrated by Henry Cole; Simon and Schuster
Thomas and Joseph are sloppy, lazy, dirty, and Happy pigs, but duck, hen and rabbit complain that the pigs are disgraceful, untidy, and lazy. Hen suggested they paint, but hen did most of the work. Rabbit wanted them to improve their diet, harvest and eat fresh vegetables, but rabbit had to do all the work. Duck told them they needed to dig a hole for a pond to bath in, but duck did most of the digging. The hens, rabbit, and duck worked all day, they were exhausted from the hard work, proud of their accomplishments, then realized the pigs were not so dumb after all! The watercolor, ink and pencil illustrations add to the humor of this book.

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