Thursday, February 1, 2007

Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen

Holly is a 12-year old homeless child (she prefers the term "gypsy") of a dead drug addicted mother. After a caring teacher gives Holly a journal, we join her for five months in her unsuccessful efforts to find a stable environment in which to live. Through her angry but often very amusing journal entries, the reader experiences a gritty, physically, and emotionally painful way of life living on the streets of "beautiful Los Angeles, CA".

Holly is a tempermental but sensible, real and believable twelve year old girl. The ending is plausible but possibly a bit too tidy.

Van Draanen shows a new but powerful rough edge to her writing.

1 comment:

wheelew said...

This is an orphan story which certainly doesn't show the glamorous side of running away. It was very readable
and,unfortunately, there probably are children in that situation right now. While it wouldn't have been a good choice for Gibsonville it would work at Hampton.