Thursday, February 1, 2007

Sister Trickster: rollicking tales of clever females by Robert San Souci

Eight amusing and lively trickster tales with females as the central figure are retold from Anne Virginia Culbertson's out-of-print book At the Big House. Featured characters are Molly Cottontail, Mistah Slickery Sly-Fox, Mistah Rooster and Mistah Bear, Mis Grasshopper, Mis Duck and Mis Goose. Using dialet these tales show that females are more adept at thinking than the male counterparts. Reminiscent of Joel Harris' Uncle Remus tales.
The San Soucis have recaptured these tales for our modern day students.

illustrated by Daniel San Souci, Recommended grade levels:3-6.

1 comment:

Kimmels said...

A storytelling voice carries through these stories that feature feisty female tricksters whose intentions may not always be honorable but they do make us laugh.