Monday, February 26, 2007

So Sleepy Story, by Uri Shulevitz

Everything has a face, and everything is sleepy: trees, house, chairs, dishes, and the moon. Then music drifts in and everything begins to shake, then wake, and then dance until drifting back to sleep again. The text begins and ends with one long sleepy sleepy sentence while the wide awake middle is more choppy and noisy. Young children will respond to the personification of everything through the expressive illustrations: even the curtains have faces.

1 comment:

wheelew said...

I will second this one. SO SLEEPY STORY is reminescent of GOOD NIGHT MOON. It's the kind of book a young child might want to hear EVERY night before bed. Very early readers would like the fact that the words correspond so well with the illustrations. It could easily be used to teach the mood of a piece of literature. At first the use of so much gray bothered me but it really does fit the story.