Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Eats, Shoots and Leaves: Why Commas Really do Make a Difference by Lynn Truss

Here's a fun children's version of the adult best seller! This one is considerably pared down to include just the need for correct commas. After offering a little story to explain the title, several humorous examples of misplaced commas are offered on double page spreads. Both pages list an identically worded sentence, only the comma location is changed.
ie: Eat here, and get gas. vs. Eat here and get gas.
Sorry - I had to go there!

Its a little uneven but certainly a strong example of some of the writing conventions we try so hard to hammer home.

Fun to pair with Punctuation Takes a Vacation by Pulver.

1 comment:

Kimmels said...

Yes I want to second this book. It's just a fun and informative presentation about the use of the comma.