Monday, March 19, 2007

Lucy Rose: Busy Like You Can't Believe, by Katy Kelly

Illus. by Adam Rex.

Entering fourth grade, an irrepressible Lucy Rose chronicles her experiences eavesdropping, trying out for Annie in the school play, relationships with friends, the not so friendly Ashley, grandparents, and divorced parents. The telling is practically breathless, funny, and true. Her collection of new words and palindromes gives readers access to a sophisticated vocabulary within the comfort of a series character and style.

Grades 3-5

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Lucy Rose is very appealing. The themes of divorce, eavesdropping, positive relationships with grandparents, and frustration over the school play--these are things kids can identify with. I like the setting, Washington, D.C., and the fact that Lucy's mother refers to herself as a M.O.T.H., Mother on the Hill--one more example of the word play that makes the book so much fun. It's a pleasure to second the nomination.