Thursday, March 1, 2007

An Egg is Quiet, by Dianna Alston

Illus. by Sylvia Long

Eggs are quiet, until they hatch. But they also have other characteristics: size, colors, shape, design and textures which are depicted in the very dainty watercolor illustrations. The cursive font matches the delicate illustrations but will provide difficulty for young readers. The labeled illustrations particularly on the opening pages (of eggs) and the closing pages (birds and other egg-layers)are a particular strength and attraction of the book. This would be a great match for second grade animal life-cycles.

Grades 2-4

1 comment:

Brucie said...

This is a delicious book. The paper stock, the fonts, the illustrations, the text--they are all beautiful. Every quality of an egg that you can think of is here. One small quibble: would it have been too much to ask for the eggs on the beginnig end papers to match up with the birds and other layers of eggs on the back end papers? There are some matches, but having them all dovetail would make this book well nigh on to perfect. Don't miss this one. To see it is to love it.